Is Tracey DeBruhl Fit To Serve In Congress?

Sometimes someone’s own words can tell you all you need to know.

I founded a group on Facebook called Make Haywood County A Second Amendment Sanctuary.  As one of the admins of that group, I review requests to join that group.

There are two questions asked of those requesting group membership – do you live, work, own property, or shop in Haywood County, and do you agree to abide by the group rules.

I received a request to join the group from Tracey DeBruhl.  He hadn’t answered the questions, so I contacted him via Facebook Messenger.  It did not turn out well.

Here is my Messenger conversation with Mr. DeBruhl in it’s entirety.

As it turns out, I had conversed with Mr. DeBruhl before when he was running for Buncombe County Sheriff and calling himself “Phoenix DeBruhl” on Facebook.  Then, as now, he didn’t seem to grasp that I don’t live in Buncombe County.

So, you decide.  Is Tracy DeBruhl fit to serve in Congress?

Tracey DeBruhl has filed to run for Congress representing District 11 as a Libertarian.


What is Party Disloyalty?

I, along with four others, was charged (Ted Carr’s denial notwithstanding) by the Haywood County Republican Party (HCGOP) with “party disloyalty”.  This was done through a resolution passed by HCGOP at a meeting of the HCGOP Executive Committee.  Just what is “party disployalty”?

The North Carolina Republican Party’s Plan of Organization states:

2. Party Disloyalty
Any registered Republican attempting to influence or influencing the outcome of any election against a Republican candidate or Republican endorsed by the appropriate Republican Executive Committee or Legislative Caucus, other than by supporting an opposing Republican Candidate in a Republican primary, may be declared ineligible to hold office under the State Plan of Organization at the State, District, and Precinct level for Party disloyalty by 2/3 vote of the State Executive Committee. Charges of Party disloyalty may be brought by petition of 50 members of the State Executive Committee, or by resolution of a County or District Republican Executive Committee. The State Executive Committee may declare a Republican found to have engaged in Party disloyalty as ineligible to serve in any office under the Plan of Organization for a period of time between 6 months and 5 years.”
So, HCGOP wrote up a carefully crafted resolution attempting to avoid the fact that they were charging five people with “party disloyalty”.
Notice that reference is made to exhibits.  Those exhibits did not exist at the time the resolution was passed.  The HCGOP Executive Committee actually voted to approve a resolution without seeing the evidence.  I’m not making this up.  Check out the minutes:
Next, HCGOP got NCGOP District 11 Chairman Aubrey Woodard to write up a resolution.  This resolution was circulated by mail, also without the exhibits which would have provided evidence.
So, HCGOP’s resolution and District 11’s resolution were sent to NCGOP, and I received the following in the mail:
Note that I received the Notice of Charges without a hint of what the evidence against me might be.
So, I drove four hours to Cary to “stand trial” before the NCGOP Executive Committee on the charge of “party disloyalty”.  Imagine my surprise when I discovered that the “evidence” against me was:
I posted a picture of a funny t-shirt!  No, I am not joking.  A black and white version of the image above was the sole piece of evidence presented against me.
Does that qualify as “attempting to influence or influencing the outcome of any election against a Republican candidate”?



What is NCGOP Hiding, and Why?

On what evidence was I banned from NCGOP properties and events? Where did that evidence come from? Why does NCGOP refuse to release that evidence?

NCGOP banned me from all events and any NCGOP-owned or -leased properties for almost seven months with no due process.

That banned remained in place for months after I was cleared of ludicrous “party disloyalty” charges.

While the ban has for some reason been rescinded, I want to know why it happened in the fist place.  What evidence was the ban based on?  Where did that evidence come from.

The Ban Letter

I received the following letter via both email and US Mail.

Page One of the Ban Letter
Page Two of the Ban Letter

Those who wish to do so may download the PDF file I was mailed at this link: 2017-09-18 – LTR trespass Yeager (mailed)

Comments on the Ban Letter

I was not removed from the Haywood County Fairgrounds, by the fair authorities or anyone else, as alleged in the letter.  I have evidence that will be shared here shortly.

The allegation that my “actions and writings have… … caused a destructive tone to intra-Party communications” is quite absurd.  The claim is also quite vague, and as with the claim above, not supported by evidence.


This is a work in progress.  More to come.  A lot more.